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Restriping Broadway Survey Results are Now Available, Council to Consider Restriping Options at Monday, April 20th Meeting

Posted on April 17, 2020

Broadway Restriping OptionsThe City of Sonoma has a rare opportunity to request that the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) restripe the Broadway portion of Highway 12 to enhance the pedestrian and bicycle facilities as part of the State Route 12 Roadway Resurfacing, Restoration and Rehabilitation Project. Three restriping options were presented to the City Council on March 2, 2020: Standard Bike Lane, Buffered Bike Lane, and Parking Protected Bikeway. Based on City Council’s direction, on Friday, March 6, 2020, the City launched an online public engagement platform regarding Broadway and the three striping options. The public engagement period was originally scheduled to close on March 27, 2020. Due to schedule impacts associated with the coronavirus pandemic, the public engagement period was extended to April 6, 2020. Over 700 people provided input through the online Have Your Say in Restriping Broadway After Paving survey.

The results of the survey are now available. See the complete Summary Survey Results and Survey Response Report for details. In summary, The majority of respondents use a vehicle to move along Broadway (97%), and many drivers also walk or cycle along Broadway. Overall, 40% of respondents would cycle more often on Broadway if there was a bike lane. 35% of respondents would be encouraged to walk or bike along Broadway with either the Buffered Bike Lane option or the Parking Protected Bikeway option. Ranking of the three options resulted in 61% selecting the Standard Bike Lane (with two vehicle lanes each direction) as the preferred option and 39% selecting either the Buffered Bike Lane option or the Parking Protected Bikeway option (with one vehicle lane in each direction). Only 30% of respondents were in favor of more parking along Broadway. Demographics of responses are presented in the attached Summary Survey

City Council will discuss and consider the Broadway Restriping options and give possible direction to staff regarding a potential request to Caltrans for consideration in Caltrans’ 2020-2021 paving and restriping project at their meeting on Monday, April 20th. Please note, City Council Chambers will not be physically open to the public and City Council Members will be teleconferencing into the meeting via an electronic meeting platform. The meetings will continue to be live-streamed on the City’s CivicWeb Portal and YouTube Channel. Public comment for City Council meetings will only be accepted via email to Learn more about the Special Public Comment Instructions During COVID-19 Pandemic.

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