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FAQ Topic: Cannabis Retail RFP

Do “owners” need to be Live Scanned?

Yes, owners are required to complete the Live Scan process in addition to completing and submitting the supplemental owner/employee background application which is posted on the Cannabis Retail RFP page on the City’s website. “Background materials and responses to the RFP in total shall not exceed 125 pages”. If we have 10 owners, that would be … Continued

As a publicly traded company, we may not have visibility into individuals with ownership interests under 10%. Will that be okay with the evaluators if we disclose owners with interest above 10% instead of 5%?

When completing the Commercial Cannabis Business application, applicants will want to follow both the Administrative Regulations and the Application Procedures Guidelines.  In the event an applicant who is financed through a publicly-traded company is unable to disclose the personal information of those individuals with an ownership interest of 5% or more, said the applicant should … Continued

Where in Ordinance No. 03-2019 is “owner” defined?

The definition of “owner” is silent from Ordinance No. 03-2019.  However, for the purposes of the Commercial Cannabis Business Application, “owner” has been defined in the Administrative Regulations, Section 2, paragraph A. Ownership Information.  For additional information regarding ownership and financial interest, the City recommends applicants refer to the California Code of Regulations, Title 16, … Continued

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