Recognizing the vast knowledge and talent of our community, the City asks community members to step forward and serve our City on a commission or committee. These commissions and committees are charged with focusing on key issues within Sonoma and to then provide feedback, recommendations and support to the City Council on those issues.
The Council also makes appointments to regional committees such as the Sonoma Citizens Advisory Commission.
Currently, the city is seeking applications for the following commissions and committees:
- Planning Commission
- Community Services & Environment Commission – CSEC Youth Member
- Traffic Safety Committee
- Sonoma Valley Citizens Advisory Commission – SVCAC
- Sonoma Valley Groundwater Advisory Committee – TAC
COMMUNITY SERVICES & ENVIRONMENT COMMISSION – The Community Services & Environment Commission advises the City Council on matters related to the preservation and enhancement of parks, special events, recreational facilities, open space and the natural environment under the jurisdiction of the City.
Youth Members are non—voting members of the Commission. To be eligible to serve, individuals must be fourteen to eighteen years old. They also must be a resident of the City or the greater Sonoma Valley, as defined by the Council Commission and Committee Appointment Policy. The term is for the period of August 1 – July 31.
Currently, the City is seeking applications for the following commission openings:
- One Youth Member
TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE – The Traffic Safety Committee reviews complaints and suggestions submitted by residents regarding traffic safety issues. It advises the City Council on all physical measures proposed as solutions to those issues.
Currently, the City is seeking applications for the following commission openings:
- One Council Appointed Member
SONOMA VALLEY CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE – A joint advisory agency with representation from the County of Sonoma and the City of Sonoma to share responsibility for local planning in the Sonoma Valley.
- 3 members
- 1 alternate
The Sonoma Valley Groundwater Sustainability Agency (SV GSA) is a newly formed public agency and its purpose is to secure groundwater sustainability for the Sonoma Valley groundwater basin. The agency has a governing board and an advisory committee. The purpose of the advisory committee is to provide input and recommendations to the Agency Board on groundwater sustainability plan development, implementation and policies. The intent of the committee is to provide community perspective and participation in the Agency. The City of Sonoma makes one appointment to the committee. Members must be a qualified elector within the City of Sonoma. The City encourages candidates with experience and familiarity with groundwater and its management. The City will also give preference to applicants with experience working with diverse community-based groups.
Currently, the City is seeking applications for the following commission openings:
- One Member
Applications can be submitted electronically through the City’s Civic Web Portal, https://sonomacity.civicweb.net.
- Application — You can access the application by clicking on the “Commission Application” tile. To complete an application, complete the online form. Once you are done, click Submit to send your form directly to the City. Please attach a copy of your resume to your application before submitting it. Paper applications will still be accepted and are available in the Office of the City Clerk, City Hall, No. 1 The Plaza.
- Interviews — No formal interviews with the City Council as a whole will be held for directly appointed positions. Individual Council Members may reach out to individual applicants to learn more when reviewing applications in January.
- Terms — Individual Council appointees will serve terms that are aligned with the Council Member who appointed them, and any At-Large members and the Alternate will serve two-year terms.
Individuals that are interested in applying, or current members that would like to be reappointed, are encouraged to apply by submitting an application. Applications will be accepted until 5:00 pm Friday, August 30, 2021.
For questions, please contact the City Clerk at 707.938.3681, or by email at cityhall@sonomacity.org.