Human Resources
The City of Sonoma is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, religion, national origin, race, color, political affiliation, or disability.
Closed 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm for lunch
Human Resources
The primary mission of the Human Resources Division is to develop a staff and workforce philosophy that embodies the City Council's mission, vision, and core values in its daily decision making.
In partnership with the other city departments, Human Resources Division is responsible for recruiting, hiring, and retaining talented and qualified employees. It is also the division's responsibility to implement the City Council's compensation philosophy, both salary and benefits, to ensure access and compliance with various leave policies and other administrative policies and practices.
With approximately 35 city employees, the city maintains a lean, efficient, and talented workforce to implement numerous programs and administer key contracts. City employees are hard-working and dedicated to providing a very high level of customer service, internally and externally.
The Personnel Department is located on the second floor of City Hall.
PUBLIC SAFETY: Public Safety classifications for Police and Fire are provided for under separate contract with outside agencies. The Sonoma County Sheriff's Department has served in the capacity of the City of Sonoma Police Department through a contract for service since 2004. Fire and Emergency Medical Services are provided by Sonoma Valley Fire & Rescue Authority (SVFRA) under contract with the Valley of the Moon Fire Protection District. All personnel recruiting and information for public safety classifications are handled by their respective agencies.