Summer Arts Stroll
July 25, 2020 – August 31, 2020
A Free, Valley-Wide Public Art Exhibit
The Sonoma Valley Arts Task Force & HeART of Sonoma is pleased to bring you the Summer Arts Stroll, sponsored by the city of Sonoma and Sonoma Plein Air Foundation. The Summer Arts Stroll is a self-guided, outdoor art-viewing experience - complete with a virtual map and decals identifying exhibit locations for patrons to view from a safe distance when it's convenient for them. Artwork will be visible to the public through windows or in outdoor areas.
There are no reservations required and it is free to participate – so, what are you waiting for? Support local artists and businesses, and stroll!
Plan Your Stroll
Don't Forget Your Face Covering!
While all artwork will be viewable from the car, curb or sidewalk, please maintain a 6’ physical distance from those outside your household and wear a facial covering when 6’ of physical distance cannot be maintained – even outside – to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
How to Participate
What is the Sonoma Arts Stroll? The Summer Arts Stroll is an exhibition without walls where businesses showcase art in storefronts, windows, or outdoors throughout Sonoma Valley. Similar to our beloved Art Walk, but to ensure safety, all artwork is viewable outside and there is no designated event.
How do you join? Free for businesses, artists, and patrons!
If you’re an artist, please complete this form by July 16 (soft deadline). You will then be sent additional details regarding your participation.
If you’re a business or have property that is appropriate to show art, email
If you’d like your own heart to paint or would like to commission an artist to paint a sign heart for you, email:
Free Wooden Hearts Provided to Valley Youth for Exhibition

Attention Sonoma Valley Kids & Teens - You are invited to join the Summer Arts Stroll’s spirit building effort! Free hearts and art kits are currently being distributed through local organizations and are also available to pick up at two locations beginning July 28th, while supplies last:
- Art Escape, 17474 CA-12, Sonoma > Tuesdays & Thursdays 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM
- Sonoma Community Center, 276 East Napa Street, Sonoma > Mondays – Fridays, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Youth artists are encouraged to decorate both sides of their heart, take a picture and share it on social media using the hashtag #heARTofSONOMA and display it at their own home or return it to be displayed as part of the Summer Arts Stroll.
Hearts turned into the Sonoma Valley Arts Task Force will be given to assisted living facilities, firehouses, hospitals and essential services locations when the Summer Arts Stroll ends on August 31st. Learn More.