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Housing Project at 1211 Broadway Proposed

Posted on May 23, 2019

1121 Broadway Housing ProjectCORRECTION! The street number for the 1211 Broadway Housing Project recently posted to the City’s website was incorrectly listed as 1121 Broadway. The address has been changed to the correct street number (1211). We apologize for any confusion this may have caused!


The City of Sonoma Planning Department has received Planned Unit Development, Tentative Parcel Map, Use Permit, Design Review, and Landscape Plan applications for a proposed housing project located at 1211 Broadway. The project includes a 4-lot Tentative Parcel Map and Planned Unit Development to support the relocation of the existing, historic single-family residence on site and the construction of a new single-family residence and two duplex units, for a total of 6 units on the 0.34 acre (14,830-square foot) site located at 1211 Broadway (APN 128-181-004), including action to approve a Categorical Exemption Pursuant to Section 15332 of the State CEQA Guidelines, for in-fill development on a parcel of less than 5 acres (Class 32 – In-fill Development Projects).

The applicant is requesting exceptions to minimum lot size, setbacks, parking, and site coverage through the Planned Unit Development process. The applicant is also requesting that the Planning Commission approve an exception to Sonoma Municipal Code Section 19.48.070 B., Parking Space and Driveway Dimensions, to allow a 14-foot wide driveway to serve the 6 units where a 20-foot driveway is required and to allow compact parking spaces.

The project is scheduled to be considered by the Planning Commission at their meeting on June 13, 2019.

For project information, related documents and to sign up to receive project updates, visit the 1211 Broadway Housing Project page.  Questions? Call the Planning Department at (707) 938-3681 or Email Project Planner, Kristina Tierney.

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