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Tell Us About Your Community of Interest

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Help shape the future of City of Sonoma’s City Council Districts

The Sonoma City Council has begun the process of transitioning to district elections. The U.S. Census data will be used to balance the population of each City Council District.

One of the primary goals of this process is to keep communities together within each district. That’s why it is so important to hear from you! Complete this form to tell the City Council about your community of interest – so it can be preserved in the new district lines.

To document your Community of Interest, fill out the online form below, pick up a worksheet at Sonoma City Hall during business hours, or download the worksheet in English or Spanish and return via email or deliver to City Hall.


A Community of Interest is a group of people in the same geographically definable area who share common social and economic interests. Some examples of Communities of Interest are:

  • Senior citizens
  • Families with children attending the same schools
  • People who live downtown or in a neighborhood
  • Dog park community
  • Residents who share a common language
  • People that use the same transportation systems

Please consider the following questions and criteria when considering your community of interest (for consideration only, no need to provide answers):

  1. Does your community have a shared culture, characteristics, or bond?
  2. Is your community geographic in nature? Is your community able to be mapped? Is there density within your community?
  3. Describe your community’s relationship with the City and how it is affected by policy decisions made by the City Council.

The public can submit any testimony, but it is important to remember that your input can be best used if it addresses all three of these questions. Submit a Community of Interest on our website or download the worksheet.

  1. Provide your comments on your community of interest by completing the online Community of Interest Form, or download the worksheet and return it by email or drop off a hard copy to Sonoma City Hall No. 1 The Plaza, Sonoma CA 95476, or attend a public hearing and read your comments to the Council.
  2. Attend one of the City of Sonoma City Council public meetings, times and locations to be publicized on the website.
  3. Subscribe to receive email updates about the Transition to District-Based Elections on the website.

Submit your Community of Interest Below

  • Contact Information

    Providing the following contact information is optional. If you provide an email address, we will send you updates on the process.
  • Optional
  • Providing the following information is optional. If you provide an email address, we will send you updates on the process.
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