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A backlit photo of a hand putting a ballot in a box.

Transition to District Based Elections

At their December 4th, 2024, Special City Council meeting, the Sonoma City Council approved a resolution to begin the process of transitioning from an "at-large" election system, in which all registered voters in the City vote on all Council Members regardless of where they reside, to a "district-based" system in which only the voters in that specific district select a council member who resides within that district.

While there is no evidence that the City of Sonoma’s election system violates the California Voter Rights Act, or any other law, the City has chosen to transition voluntarily to mitigate the potential risk of legal challenges—such as those faced by other cities in the state.

Learn more about the process and find ways you can participate below. We encourage you to check back regularly for updates, public meeting schedules, and other important details.

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To ensure you’re informed throughout the process, sign up for email updates about the district election transition.

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