Parks and Recreation Directory Listing Entry Form

ย This form is intended to capture listing information for local non-profit organizations that offer recreational programming, area parks, and facilities located in Sonoma Valley* that serve the residents of the City of Sonoma as part of the City's Recreation and Park Directory. Submissions are subject to approval.ย 

*For this purpose, "Sonoma Valley" is generally defined as being North of San Pablo Bay at Sears Point, East of the Sonoma Mountain Range, South of Melita Road & Hwy 12 and West of the Mayacamas Mountain Range.

  • As you would like it to appear in publication.
    Select all the apply
  • Accepted file types: jpg, png, Max. file size: 25 MB.
    Please upload an image of the facility. Images can be up to 25MB and must be in jpg or png format.
    Maximum file size - 25 mega bytes.
  • Listing Categories

    The directory will include the ability for users to sort listings by categories and then by types of programs and/or amenities. Please select all the amenities and/or types of programs under the categories that apply to your listing.
    Select all the apply
    Select all the apply
    Select all the apply
    Select all the apply
    Select all the apply, please also submit HOURS below
  • Please enter the hours that the park, open space, historic site, and/or field is open to the public. If it is only open by appointment only or seasonally, please indicate that as well.
    Select all the apply
    Select all the apply
    Select all the apply
  • Submit recommended categories, sub-categories or amenities here.
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