The City's Emergency Warming Center is Open Tonight Learn More
Vegetable Starts at the Farmers Market

Other Climate & Sustainability Actions

There are a variety of other climate and sustainability actions that foster community environmental sustainability. The actions can directly and indirectly reduce our carbon footprint. In addition, many of these also provide various co-benefits such as improved recreation opportunities, sustainable tourism, improved wildlife habitat, access to local fresh food, and supporting our local economy.

Below are various resources to help you save energy including Climate & Sustainability Actions Tools, Climate & Sustainability Actions, and Climate & Sustainability Actions FAQs.

Climate & Sustainability Actions


Plant a native, drought tolerant tree


Grow some vegetables


Visit one of Sonoma’s multiple farmer’s markets


Help keep Sonoma’s environment clean by picking up litter

Climate & Sustainability Action FAQs

Yes, community gardens are available at Sonoma Garden Park.

Sonoma is proud of its extensive park system, totaling almost 80 total acres, as well as its bike trail network and its two open space preserves encompassing almost 99 acres. Find locations, amenities, maps and more on our Parks, Trails & Trees page. For listings of parks and recreational opportunities throughout Sonoma Valley, visit the online Community Parks & Recreation Directory.

The City’s referendum-approved leaf blower ordinance prohibits use of gas-powered leaf blowers.  Electric leaf blowers may be used Monday through Saturday (excepting holidays) between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Additional information can be found in this summary of the City’s leafblower ordinance.

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