Sort It Sonoma!
When organic materials such as food scraps and yard debris go into the trash, they end up in the landfill and create methane, a powerful greenhouse gas. A state law (SB 1383) requires residents, businesses, and organizations to properly sort their waste into three containers: food scraps and yard debris (green), recycling (blue), and trash (gray/black).
By properly sorting organic materials and recycling from the trash, we can avoid sending them to landfills and help slow climate change. In addition, recyclables can be remade into new products while organic materials can be turned into compost, which is a valuable soil amendment for gardeners and farmers.
Moreover, SB 1383 seeks to reduce food insecurity and hunger in our most vulnerable communities.

Compost It Sonoma!
The City is distributing FREE compost pails to make composting kitchen scraps easy. Simply collect kitchen scraps in the pail, transfer scraps to your green waste bin, and put the bin out on the curb on garbage day for collection. Learn more and find out how you can get a free kitchen countertop compost pail.
Learn more about state and local requirements for:
CalRecycle – Overview of SB1383
Sort it Sonoma Tools
Sort it Sonoma Actions
REDUCE the amount of food waste you generate.
COMPOST organics materials by placing yard debris and all food scraps (including meat and dairy) into your green organics cart.
SORT RIGHT by learning what should go into each cart.
"How To" Videos & Public Awareness Messages
Are you confused about what should and should not go into the recycling (blue), organics (green), and trash (gray/black) carts? The City of Sonoma and the Sonoma Ecology Center’s Earthlings Club are here to help! The City and the Earthlings partnered to create a series of “how to” Public Service Announcements and informative videos to help Sonomans answer this question.
Learn how to properly sort waste, why is proper waste sorting is important, how you can help reduce harmful greenhouse gases, and more in the following videos.